Martha Miller
My role as Client Services Liaison is all about working in partnership with clients and their families, Directors of Health and Wellness and the entire team involved with the plan of care.
The Liaison position helps maintain positive relationships and overall high standards of care that our clients deserve with a focus on our person- centeredness within the home care model and framework. My role provides support and guidance to caregivers in delicate assignments. Ongoing Home Visits are conducted to get feedback from employees, clients, family or representatives. I want to ensure that goals and expectations are being met and we make changes when necessary. Mosaic’s The Meaning of Me® is discussed with the client, their family together with the caregivers in the assignment. We want to know our clients on a personal level as well!
I have my certification in the U-First!® Program through the Alzheimer Society of Toronto and is involved on several committees as a Patient Family Advisor at North York General Hospital. I have attended several training courses over the years which provides me with different skills that I need to work with our clients, families and personal support workers in the community. To name but a few: Dementia – Focus on Challenging Behaviours; Palliative Care Basic Education; Dementia and Palliative Care for Health Professionals; Person and Family Centred Care/Mental Health – Aging and Depression and Dealing with Challenging Customer Interactions.